The Comprehensive Lesson Library

The Comprehensive Lesson Library

Lessons for Every Teacher, Every Subject, and Every Classroom

Essaypop’s huge collection of carefully-curated, standards-based lessons allows teachers to quickly assign and customize compelling writing lessons.


  • Teachers may filter the library to find the perfect writing activity.

  • The library addresses multiple grade levels, writing domains, and subject areas.

  • Teachers and schools may upload their own lessons into the library.

Each Lesson is Highly Engaging
and Extraordinarily Detailed

It Comes Down to This: Students Need to Understand the Parts Before They Can Master The Whole


  1. Each activity includes a detailed step-by-step lesson plan, engaging resources, and criteria for success.

  2. Once assigned, lessons can easily be modified and differentiated.

  3. Lessons can quickly be shared with colleagues.

Essaypop's lessons are so unique
and engaging, and I love that I can add my own lessons to the library.

Essaypop's lessons are so unique and engaging, and I love that I can add my own lessons to the library.

Essaypop's lessons are so unique and engaging, and I love that I can add my own lessons to the library.

“Essaypop has made me
a better teacher. It gives me a step-by-step approach that I can count on, and my students are writing
without fear.”

Rick Devereaux

Rick Devereaux

6th Grade Teacher

6th Grade Teacher

Districts and Schools Can Create
a Customized Section Within the Library

It Comes Down to This: Students Need to Understand the Parts Before They Can Master The Whole


  1. Campuses can develop their own writing lessons and test prep material, and it will be stored in the essaypop library.

  2. Only registered staff will have access to your personal library, and it can be modified and perfected over time.

  3. Lessons can be organized by type, grade level, subject area, etc…

Writing is Hard. We Make it Easy

© 2025 essaypop, LLC

Writing is Hard. We Make it Easy

© 2025 essaypop, LLC

Writing is Hard. We Make it Easy

© 2025 essaypop, LLC