The Hive

The Hive

Student engagement soars in our social and interactive writing environment

Student engagement soars in our social and interactive writing environment

At essaypop, we believe that learning happens best when students feel connected. The Hive is a place where teachers and students gather to write, collaborate, and give and receive feedback. The Hive makes writing a team sport!

At essaypop, we believe that learning happens best when students feel connected. The Hive is a place where teachers and students gather to write, collaborate, and give and receive feedback. The Hive makes writing a team sport!

Join the feedback party!

  1. Receiving commentary from their peers keeps students active and engaged, and the amount of feedback students receive from multiple sources is extraordinary.

  2. Teaching students how to provide meaningful feedback is a critical academic skill. 

  3. Pressure is taken off the teacher as students receive continuous attention from others.

Learn about the Hive

The Teacher Dashboard

The Teacher Dashboard

Teachers run the show, monitor student activity, and assess writing from a single dashboard.

Teachers run the show, monitor student activity,
and assess writing from a single dashboard.

Teachers run the show, monitor student activity,
and assess writing from a single dashboard.

Teachers run the show, monitor student activity, and assess writing from a single dashboard.

In the Hive, teachers are in complete control of the learning environment.

  1. Teachers may monitor the whole class at a glance and see each student’s progress in real-time.

  2. They may instantly cluster students into different-sized groups. 

  3. They may also delete comments or mute students at any time, and students have multiple privacy options as they write.

Watch a 1:00 Hive overview video

To get a sense of the student engagement created in the essaypop Hive, take a quick look at what these students have to say…

To get a sense of the student engagement created in the essaypop Hive, take a quick look at what these students have to say…

To get a sense of the student engagement created in the essaypop Hive, take a quick look at what these students have to say…

“Essaypop has made me
a better teacher. It gives me
a step-by-step approach
that I can count on, and my students are writing
without fear.”

Watch the video

Create a Community of Writers and Mentors at Your School

Create a Community of Writers and Mentors at Your School

Student interaction doesn’t stop in the single classroom. Student-to-student coaching and mentoring can easily be set up across different classes, grade levels, schools, and even districts. Our team of expert educators will show you how.

Rubric-based Assessment Happens in The Hive

Focused Assessment

Focused Assessment

Rubric-based assessment occurs in the Hive so you can get the writing data your school needs.

Because the assessment tool saves teachers so much time, it's a feature that will actually get used.

  1. Teachers select the elements they want to assess, and corresponding rubric shows up automatically.

  2. Selected elements become highlighted for easy identification.

  3. Students can also assess one another using the same rubric. This practice helps them internalize the language of the rubric.

Actionable, Real-Time Data

Actionable, Real-Time Data

The tool allows schools to view student writing proficiency element by element.

  1. Students, teachers, and parents get instant access to data that shows writing growth over time.

  2. Having access to data over time allows teachers, schools, and districts to truly understand how students are progressing as writers.

Over the course of just five or six essays, you will capture some very powerful data.

Writing is Hard. We Make it Easy

© 2025 essaypop, LLC

Writing is Hard. We Make it Easy

© 2025 essaypop, LLC

Writing is Hard. We Make it Easy

© 2025 essaypop, LLC