


Mixtape 19 / Slow Bones

Mixtape 19 / Slow Bones

Mixtape 19 / Slow Bones

Haylie Carder

Haylie Carder

1 hour

1 hour

Music is a language that doesn’t speak in particular words. It speaks in emotions, and if it’s in the bones, it’s in the bones.” ― Keith Richards

Spotify Link

Keith Richards beautifully captures the essence of music with his words: "Music is a language that doesn’t speak in particular words. It speaks in emotions, and if it’s in the bones, it’s in the bones." Music transcends the limitations of spoken language, reaching directly into our hearts and souls. It communicates through emotions, evoking feelings of joy, sorrow, excitement, and nostalgia. When music is "in the bones," it means it resonates deeply within us, becoming an integral part of our being. This profound connection allows music to unite people across cultures and experiences, making it a universal language that speaks to our shared humanity. Through its emotional power, music has the ability to heal, inspire, and bring us together in ways that words alone cannot.

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