


Using the Assessment Feature

Using the Assessment Feature

Using the Assessment Feature



10 minutes

10 minutes

  • In this article you will learn how to use the essaypop Assessment feature to assess student writing in the Hive.


  • Start by selecting an Assignment from the Assignments tab.

  • Next, you'll want to click the Enable Assessments toggle on the right sidebar.

  • From the pull-down menu, select a rubric.

  • Lastly, check the Assessment Criteria that you will be assessing this essay.


  • Click into the Hive and select a group.

  • Select a student to assess and in the sidebar click on the Assessment (bar graph icon) tab.

  • Press on the criteria and mark a score from the rubric that is presented.
    Note, you may leave a comment in the box provided, which appears below the rubric upon selection.

  • Repeat steps above for other criteria.


  • Click on the back button to return to the Hive and view the group.

  • At the bottom of the page, press the View Assessment Report.

  • The results will appear for the group as follows:
    - The Top Three and Bottom Three students (based on Overall grade)
    - The Assessment Area/Criteria which shows the averages for this group in each criteria.
    - The Group Average, which includes the Overall average for all students.
    - A table view of the scores.

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