In this article you will learn how to use the essaypop Assessment feature to assess student writing in the Hive.
Start by selecting an Assignment from the Assignments tab.
Next, you'll want to click the Enable Assessments toggle on the right sidebar.
From the pull-down menu, select a rubric.
Lastly, check the Assessment Criteria that you will be assessing this essay.
Click into the Hive and select a group.
Select a student to assess and in the sidebar click on the Assessment (bar graph icon) tab.
Press on the criteria and mark a score from the rubric that is presented.
Note, you may leave a comment in the box provided, which appears below the rubric upon selection.Repeat steps above for other criteria.
Click on the back button to return to the Hive and view the group.
At the bottom of the page, press the View Assessment Report.
The results will appear for the group as follows:
- The Top Three and Bottom Three students (based on Overall grade)
- The Assessment Area/Criteria which shows the averages for this group in each criteria.
- The Group Average, which includes the Overall average for all students.
- A table view of the scores.
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